New Delhi: It has been close to three months after the National Investigative Agency filed its chargesheet against Lashkar-e-Toiba agent David Coleman Headley; an NIA court is likely to pronounce its order on the chargesheet on Saturday.
The NIA has charged Headley and 9 others including Tawahur Hussain Rana, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi and Hafiz Saeed with criminal conspiracy of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.
If the chargesheet is accepted then it will clear the deck for NIA to move for extradition of all the accused. Headley is currently at a US prison.
The court is also to decide on what action to take on Headley's Moroccan wife who allegedly knew about the 2008 conspiracy.
Headley entered into plea bargain with the United States without taking India into confidence. Headley did a research of the 26/11 targets for the Lashkar-e-Toiba, which carried out the attack on November 26, 2008.
A metropolitan magistrate's court in Mumbai has already issued letters rogatory to a US court in October 2011, requesting it to enable Mumbai police to question Headley and his accomplice Tahawwur Hussain Rana in the 26/11 terror attacks case.
Rana was convicted for helping Lashkar-e-Toiba in a plot to attack a Danish newspaper. However, he was acquitted of federal charges that he aided the terrorists who carried out the attacks in Mumbai after an eight-day trial in Chicago.
At least 166 people were killed with many of them being foreign nationals in the attack on India's financial capital.
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