Chandigarh: Pankaj, a traumatised 6-year-old student who was allegedly locked up for several hours by his kindergarten teacher last month for not doing home work died on Sunday night. He was recovering at the PGI Rohtak hospital for a month.
Pankaj could never recover from the trauma. The kindergarten student of Rajkul government school was not let off even when the school closed down and when his family finally found him, he was in a state of shock.
Pankaj's relative Rajbir said, "Pankaj's elder brother found him locked in dark room and let him out."
Pankaj's mother Rajvati blames the school for what happened to her son.
When the incident happened, a panchayat had been called, where the school representatives apologised to the village elders. Now after the student's death a police case has been registered.
Police has begun investigations into the death.
What's shocking is that for more than a month, no action was taken against the teacher or school officials. All that Pankaj's family wants now is justice.
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