Lucknow: Rashtriya Lok Dal leader Jayant Chaudhary has been booked by the Election Commission for violating the model code of conduct. The MP from Mathura and party chief and Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh's son was caught on camera taking Rs 70,000 from a local leader during an election rally in Mathura.
He then passed the cash to his party candidate, who returned the money to him. Chaudhary later passed the cash on to his brother-in-law, who was accompanying him on the campaign trail.
"We have sent a notice to Chaudhary seeking his explanation. He was caught on camera accepting money at Govardhan Assembly constituency in Mogarra area here," ADM (City) Ram Awatar Raman said.
The Assembly constituencies that fall under Mathura will go to vote on February 28.
Chaudhary, sitting MP from Mathura, is also contesting Assembly polls from Maant seat.
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