New Delhi: The Election Commission has cancelled the Jharkhand Rajya Sabha election. The directive comes after allegations of horse trading and recovery of crores of rupees. The BJP MLAs have come under the scrutiny.
After two marathon rounds of meetings, the Election Commission was convinced that there was indeed large-scale horse trading that had taken place.
Not the first time Rajya Sabha elections in Jharkhand have always been contentious and controversial. The state becomes notorious as an entry point for businessmen wanting to enter parliament.
The first sign of Election Commission's unease came in the morning on the day of polling itself when a car with Rs 2.5 crores was apprehended by the income tax authorities that too from the car of a close associate of one of the independent candidates.
For two seats in Jharkhand there were a total of 5 candidates in the fray including two businessmen.
Last year, it was the use of money power during Rajya Sabha polls. The lessons obviously haven't been learnt. The BJP for Instance is unwilling to stand by it's decision of abstaining from the election after failing to push through it's own money bag candidate in the form of Anshuman Mishra.
BJP leader Yashwant Sinha said, "I don't know why the BJP MLAs went against the initial decision. I will raise it at the party level."
The biggest losers in this entire episode has been the BJP from facing the embarrassment of pushing in a candidate with allegedly dubious credentials to voting for it's alliance partner at the last moment. It's the BJP which has been embarrassed the most.
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