A fight over using a public toilet first has landed two youngsters in jail for five years with a Delhi court holding them guilty of trying to kill their neighbour. Besides sentencing city residents Shekhar Pandey and Chottu to five years in jail, Additional Sessions Judge Ramesh Kumar also imposed a fine of Rs 20,000 on each of them for making an attempt on their neighbour Gorakh Saroj's life.
"Keeping in view the facts and circumstances of case that both the convicts committed the offence of attempt to murder at a public place by inflicting injury to Gorakh Saroj with a knife, the convicts are sentenced to five years rigorous imprisonment each," said ASJ Kumar.
The prosecution case dated back to September 9, 2010, when Adarsh Nagar resident Saroj went to a public toilet near his house in North Delhi along with a friend to "ease" himself but two accused along with a juvenile were already standing at its entrance.
In ensuing altercation over first entering the toilet, the boys caught hold of Saroj while Pandey gave knife blows in his abdomen, the prosecution said.
Saroj's friends then called the police through his mobile phone and the victim was shifted to a nearby hospital.
The police later arrested the three accused and one of them, found to be a juvenile in the ossification test, was referred to a Juvenile Justice Board for subsequent legal proceedings.
Both the adult accused had pleaded innocence contending that they were falsely implicated by Saroj in the case.
The court, however, held that the prosecution has successfully proved the case against them and sentenced them to five years in jail.
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