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Sunday, 30 June 2013

Bosses ruining vacations for employees by expecting them to work during holidays

Bosses may be ruining their employees' vacation by expecting them to work while on holiday, a new study has found. In the research, based on responses of 2,071 workers, around 54 per cent said their boss expects them to work while on vacation.

Sixty-four per cent of workers said they check emails on vacation and doing so helps ease their return to work after their time off, 'BusinessNewsDaily' reported. Working during vacation may affect the health and personal lives of employees.

Employees who are not able to relax while on vacation risk suffering burnout. There are also problems at home because family members get upset when they work on vacation, the study found.

The researchers found that 67 per cent of workers take a vacation at some point during the year. However, those workers know they are never far from the office.

"Workers absolutely must have a chance to recharge for themselves, their families and their career," said Terrie Campbell, VP of strategic marketing at Ricoh Americas, the global technology company that conducted the research.

"Employers ignore this need at their peril. Workers will choose desirable employers by whether they encourage you to disconnect on vacation or not. In those situations where working on vacation is unavoidable, the most sought-after employers will make mobile access easy," Campbell said.


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