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Monday 14 November 2011

CAG-PAC chief nexus behind 2G report? Digvijaya

New Delhi: Congress General Secretary Digvijaya Singh has sparked a controversy as he tried to draw a link between Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Chairman Murli Manohan Joshi and CAG Vinod Rai over the 2G final report.

Indirectly blaming PAC Chiarman for the 2G report mess, he said that the CAG must answer the need for Murli Manohar Joshi to call CAG office before the report was put up to the government.

"Is it a fact that the Chairman PAC contacted CAG regarding 2G before submission of CAG report? It was denied by the CAG but now documents prove he did. With new facts coming in few questions arise. Was the figure inflated? Was it made in haste?? Was it at behest of Chairman PAC?," Singh said on Twitter.

Singh also issued a statement questioning the credibility of the CAG report.

"I have questioned the credibility of the CAG report, which has been exposed now that RP Singh who is directly in-charge of the telecommunication ministry. He was asked to sign on the last page without going through the entire report. What was it now? CAG must answer this," Singh said.
On the controversial report, he said, "What was the need for Chairman PAC to call up CAG office before the report was put up to the Government? These are certain things which needs to be answered."

Earlier, RP Singh, the lead auditor of the CAG who investigated the scam, on Monday told the Joint PAC that he was forced into signing on the inflated loss amount. Sources has accessed an official CAG letter showing that the lead author in 2G scam was indeed under pressure to sign the report.

Internal notes show RP Singh may have been arm twisted into signing the report.

Deputy CAG Rekha Gupta wrote a note directing RP Singh to put his signatures on the last page of the report.

Rekha Gupta said, "RP Singh has been asked to sign the last page, let him read the final report, here, if he wants".

RP Singh had written to Rekha Gupta that he wasn't giving any more time to the DoT to respond to their audit as desired by Rekha Gupta.

The big question remains that why was the CAG in a hurry to submit the 2G report in Parliament if the DoT was asking for more time to make its case?

RP Singh was certainly at variance with the observations by CAG Vinod Rai and Rekha Gupta.
It was earlier shown how RP Singh had written to Rekha Gupta saying that his credibility and integrity was being attacked by her.

According to sources, RP Singh has stuck to his stand. He has reportedly said to JPC that he acted on orders from above.

Singh had given a report of estimating the loss from sale of 2G spectrum at 2001 rates at Rs 2,645 crore, but was asked to sign a report with a presumptive loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crore in July.
There have been discrepancies in the financial estimates of the loss incurred in the 2G case and also in who took the final call while preparing the report.

CAG Vinod Rai will depose before the JPC on Tuesday. Rai has been accused of overruling loss estimates without seeking permission.


Rajan Alexander said...

Parliament should impeach CAG Vinod Rai and Rekha Gupta for professional misconduct

The credibility of the Vinod Rai and Rekha Gupta of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has taken a huge blow.

a. The JPC specifically asked CAG whether any member of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) contacted them regarding 2G before submission of CAG report? CAG officially confirmed that they didn't..

Now documents secured from CAG under a RTI application conclusively established they did.

It turns out in another letter obtain by RTI application, penned by Rekha Gupta, reveals that CAG was so much of a hurry to complete the report that they denied a request for more time rby the lead author of the report.

The big question remains why was CAG in so much of a hurry to submit their report to Parliament if the lead author was asking for more time to make its case? It so happens that Murli Manohar Joshi, in his capacity as Chairman of PAC, in his letter had requested CAG to expedite their report. That's too much of a coincidence isn't it?

b. The Lead Author wanted to solicit the views of DoT. But suspiciously, CAG refused permission without giving any reasons.

c. Meanwhile, Rekha Gupta's boss, Vinod Rai asserted that the former Director General of Audit, Post and Telecommunication, and lead auditor of the 2G report, R P Singh was a party to the report.

Singh had given a report of estimating the loss from sale of 2G spectrum at 2001 rates at Rs 2,645 crore, but was asked to sign a report with a presumptive loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crore in July.

Singh told the JPC that he signed the report under pressure. Singh, said the loss calculated on account of non-revision of entry fee was 2,645 crore, which was projected as actual, and not presumptive loss. The entry fee decided in 2001 was not revised in 2008.

It so turns out that Deputy CAG Rekha Gupta wrote a note directing RP Singh to put his signatures on the last page of the report. Rekha Gupta wrote, "RP Singh has been asked to sign the last page, let him read the final report, here, if he wants".

RP Singh was in fact given just 15 minutes to read the report in her office and denied either a hardcopy or softcopy of the final report which is supposedly authored by him!

This blatantly ham-handed way of finalizing a report whose final estimates of 2G losses were internally disputed does suggest that CAG was following some kind of dubious political agenda.

The last time CAG made so much news was in the late 1980s when T N Chaturvedi exposed the Bofors scandal. He turned out to a closet RSS sympathizer who when retired joined the BJP, and ultimately made a Rajya Sabha MP and later made Governor by the BJP. 20 years later, the BJP was trying to repeat their Bofors trick.

So could Vineet Rai and Rekha Gupta, BJP sympathizers earning their supper to be made governors post-retirement?

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