Anna Hazare on Monday said that after seeing the coal blocks' allocation papers, he is suspicious about Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's role in it. He also refuted the charges Sonia Gandhi made against his team earlier in the day.
Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Monday attacked the Opposition and civil society for levelling "baseless" allegations against the Prime Minister, the UPA Government and the Congress. "We will have to fight fiercely against such allegations which are part of a conspiracy," Sonia said while addressing the Congress working Committee (CWC) meeting on Monday.
Anna termed Sonia's charges baseless and said he’ll send a file prepared by his team against the Cabinet ministers to the UPA chairperson.
Kejriwal also slammed Sonia for calling civil society a challenge. "It would have been better if she has taken corruption as a big challenge. Our allegations are based on valid documents (CAG reports). We'll be sending all the documents to her (Sonia) so that she knows our sources of allegations," he said.
The Prime Minister had also hit out at those making allegations against him saying 'canards' were being spread about the Congress and the government. "Canards are being spread about us. Every day astronomical sums are being mentioned as black money which can be brought back, nothing can be further from truth. The truth is that the UPA is committed to fighting the menace of corruption," Singh said speaking at the CWC meet.
On Baba Ramdev's silence over the issue of the leadership of their anti-corruption movement, Anna said "problems erupt when leaders are selected. A movement is good only if it is voluntary".
The split between Team Anna and the yoga guru was out in the open when Arvind Kejriwal stormed out of the fast venue on Sunday after Ramdev objected to his naming MPs in his speech.
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