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Friday, 20 January 2012

Suresh Kalmadi to 'step aside' as the IOA President

New Delhi: Former Commonwealth Games OC Chief Suresh Kalmadi has decided to 'step aside' as the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) President. Kalmadi, who has not resigned officially, said that he would not represent the IOA.

In a letter to IOA Acting President VK Malhotra, Kalmadi said he will step aside as the IOA President.

"I will not be able to represent the IOA. I will not be taking part in IOA activities for a long time," writes Kalmadi.

VK Malhotra to continue as IOA Acting President. Meanwhile, Malhotra has informed the International Olympic Committee that Kalmadi is stepping aside for the moment.

Sports Minister Ajay Maken said Kalmadi has done the right thing. "This has strengthened our demand for the Sports Bill. It should not be left to be accused to decide whether he should continue or not," said Maken.

Malhotra has also reiterated that he is authorised to run IOA in Kalmadi's absence.

Kalmadi walked out on bail on Thursday after more than 9 months inside Delhi's Tihar Jail. He is accused of profiting from contracts awarded during the CWG that concluded in 2010.


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